Monday, November 10, 2008

Derek turns 5!

Today was Derek's birthday - wow, I can't believe it's been five years since he was born and we'll be having #4 in a few months!!! He has grown up so much since starting Kindergarten this year, he hardly seems like a little boy anymore.... He's such a sweet boy and a really good big brother. He can't wait for the new baby to come. It's so fun now that he's getting older. Yesterday, we were listening to primary songs on the way to church and you could hear him singing along in the back. He's even teaching Paige how to sing "I love to see the Temple".

We didn't have a party for him this year, instead he helped me decorate cupcakes and took them to his school class and had a little party there. When he got home we surprised him with ice cream and a bunch of little presents from the dollar store. Tad insisted on wrapping each one individually so he would feel like he got a lot of toys. You can get a ton of stuff there for $10 and he loved them all! After the ice cream we had a movie night for him and all piled on the floor and watched "Kung Fu Panda". Now he and Kevin want to learn karate!


Becca said...

He was pretty excited to see the happy birthday streamers when we drove up yesterday! He is such a cutie! He makes me smile everyday!

Amanda said...

hooray! that sure sounds like a party to me. he's lucky to have a mom like you.