Saturday, January 29, 2011

Derek is off to jail

Last Sunday we had an adventure. It was almost time to go to church and I was trying real hard to get there on time. The kids were dressed and ready and I was just about done and was blow-drying my hair. When I finished I hear a whimpering noise. I turn around and Derek is crying and walks up to me and says, "I need help" and shows me his arms, which have handcuffs on them! Apparently Tad had left them out after reserving with Thatcher PD a few days before that. And they were on tight! I told him that he would have to go to jail now because he had handcuffs on and that really scared him. Tad was at work, so I called him to see where the key was. He tried to explain over the phone several areas where it might be but I couldn't find it anywhere. After about 15 minutes, he was able to get one of his hands out. But the other one wouldn't budge. I finally called another officer to see if he could come unlock it and right as I was asking, Derek somehow slipped it off his wrist. I don't know how because that thing was tight! After all the drama, we ended up being about 15 minutes late to church. Not bad.

Here is a video...

Last saturday, Paige was able to go to a cheer camp at the high school. She spent 4 hours learning the cheers and then performed at a basketball game. For $15 you can't beat it! She had a great time!

Here is a video...

And here is the rest of them being silly at the game... Warning, they just ate popcorn and still have some of it in their teeth!

Derek just lost tooth # 5

And just to prove that sometimes I have a clean house....

We've been working on writing Paige and Kevin's names. They're doing really good. Poor Paige has all the curvy letters in her name.

Just in time for Valentine's... having fun with some vinyl.

Not for Valentine's, but some more vinyl lettering I did.


Amanda said...

never a dull moment.

Becca said...

Poor Derek! He is sooo sad! I am glad he got them off and didn't have to go to jail! Soo sweet!

heidi nielsen said...

My house never looks that clean. Good job.