Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There's only one this time.....

Well, Tad and I have been trying for a while to get pregnant again. The problem with me is that I don't ovulate on my own. So, it seemed our only option was fertility drugs again to make me ovulate. With twins already, we weren't so sure we wanted to go that route again. But after a few months of nothing, we decided we might as well take the drugs. We tried one month at half the strength, but that still didn't work, so we had to go for the full strength. I finally ovulated last month and whala, we're pregnant. And today there was only one dot on the ultrasound screen. Big sigh of relief. Now I can finally stop going to the doctor twice a week!

Other than that, we haven't been up to much. Kevin and Paige run around the house saying "OTay" all day long and Derek teases them all day long. Paige loves going peepee on the toilet, Kevin loves trying to pee and not really going. Paige bites everyone that tries to get in her way. Derek is testing in June to get into Kindergarten early. I'm working and Tad's working and we're barely seeing eachother these days. Here are some pictures of the last few weeks. Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Paige loves her Princess nightie that I got at a thrift store for $0.50!

Isn't she cute!!

Derek with his preschool nature walk treasures.

They love their $2 car pool!

Paige's new "high heels" that she loves.

Tad's beautiful green grass... he decided to get rid of my garden because nothing is growing. I don't know if it's because the kids wont stay out of it or because our yard's hundred's of birds are eating everything.... or maybe Tad's been sabotaging me to open up the space I've been using.

The kids playing with their maraca's I brought back from Mexico.


Becca said...

Well I am excited for you! The pictures of your kids are so great! I am glad you explained the back yard picture thought, because I knew it was missing something!hehe! I hope you are feeling okay, and I will help when I can!!!!

*Shaffen and Misty* said...

Congrats! Is everything going good with the pregnancy? I couldn't imagine, I am a chicken. Conner loves babies though!

Susan said...

Hooray for potty-training! Good Luck!

The Martin Family said...

Congrats on the baby! We are very excited for you. One baby is definately easier than two!

Rachel said...

woo -hoo!!!! You've apparently been seeing enough of each other to wind up in this situation. And what's wrong with 2 or 3. Dang are you trying to be selfish just keepin the love to the one. You're going to have to get a bigger house. Guess What!!! Mine's for sale. Congrats!

Amanda said...

congrats! you won't know what to do with you pregnant self with just one! :) abigail goes on the potty when I put her there, but she still doesn't have the hang of going on her own. hyrum and i can't wait for kindergarten in the fall. hope derek gets in!