Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Have you ever wondered what your child was thinking?

I always used to say to myself, if only I could know what they're thinking... Well, now that Derek is 4, he's been able to communicate his dreams and thoughts better. So we were driving somewhere the other day and he told me that he dreamed that we were all at a volcano and I jumped into the hot lava and Tad, him and Paige & Kevin watched me. I asked what happened to me and he said that I died. I asked him if he was sad and he said no, "I was happy! " Then a few minutes later he said that he was sad.

Yesterday we went to my sisters house and the kids were all playing upstairs and someone turned on Jurassic Park 3. Jurassic park scares the crap out of me, I can only imagine what kids are thinking when they're watching it. We usually don't let Derek watch scary movies. Well, he saw part of it, I'm not even sure what part, but he did tell me there was an airplane crash and some big dinosaur ate someone. On the way home, he told us that "his heart was telling him that dinosaurs are real". I asked him if he meant that his heart was beating really fast while he was watching the movie? He said it was. He must've been terrified. He said that it wasn't really scary, just a little scary.

And today we were driving and he told me that his legs were fat. I asked him what he meant and he said all the food he ate was stuck in his legs and then he said just kidding, it's stuck in his tummy.


Becca said...

That made me laugh out loud! Kids crack me up! But YES, I always wonder what they are thinking! Usually what they have to say is so entertaining!

*Shaffen and Misty* said...

That is funny! I have one of those kids! I love how their minds work!