Monday, August 18, 2008

What girl names do you like?

Well, I have a name I really like and Tad has a name he really likes, but I'm not going to say what they are. I want to hear some other names before we get serious and decide!

As a side note - potty training is actually going pretty good. It goes much better when they're completely naked then when they have underwear on. Paige already didn't like to keep her clothes on, so I'll think we'll have a struggle with that. I went to check on them before going to bed tonight. I put her to bed in her princess dress, diaper and underwear. When I checked on her, she had her diaper off on the floor and 3 pairs of underwear on. One was on right, the other ones were pulled on through one leg all the way up to her waist. And she was laying in pee! It didn't seem to bother her, but of course I had to wake her up and get her cleaned up... Now she's good except for the red marks on her waist from her one legged underwear!


Jacqui said...

hahaha, ok Paige is too funny! hmm, girl names. I don't know I hate girl names I hope I have a boy next. Girl names are so hard.
Makayla, (we almost went with that one.)

Becca said...

I HATE potty training! I cannot stress that enough! I am glad that it is going okay for you though! All I can say is that I am NEVER going to have to do it again! THANK HEAVENS! As to the girls names...I am like Jacqui! I don't think there are any I don't like! I like tooo many of them! Your little girls name is one of my favorites! We were going to name Macey, Paige...but I was going to spell it Paij..Sorry I am not much help!

Anonymous said...

Melissa Martin...sounds good to me.

The Martin Family said...

Potty training, not looking forward to that! I am to lazy to fully potty train Maya right now even though she so wants to do it.
Girls names: Lindsay (that was one of our choices)That is all I can think of right now!

Susan said...

I also like Makayla and Macy. Just don't take Michelle - that's one we're hoping to use and everyone steals our names!

Rachel said...

I'm in love with the name Kerrington. Others, Ali, Roxi, Lucky, Rebel, I'm a fan of Macey, or how about honoring me and how amazing I am and going with Rachel. Rachel Martin sounds great!!LOL
Any news on the job????

The Mullenaux Family said...

Your Blog is adorable!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cute. I really enjoyed looking at it! Are you a scrapbooker?
Cyndi Mullenaux

Anonymous said...

vHey guys! Congrats on another daughter. Hmm... I can't give away my other favorite girl name, just in case my next one is a girl. Sorry for the selfishness : )
I really adore the names Ellie, Megan, and Samantha though. Good job on the potty training, not looking forward to that one. Aimee currently runs away when she has to go, so it will be interesting.

All our love,
Lora, Jeremy and Aimee