Monday, July 18, 2011

4th of July

4th of July started this year again at 5:30 with the fire of the cannon and the sound of the firetrucks driving around town. We talked Grandpa into driving his train in the parade with all the kids in it. And we were able to drive our new Ranger behind him with the bigger kids in it. It's such a silly small town parade with firetrucks and 4-wheelers and bikes but the kids love it.

We were able to talk my sister's family into coming for the fun.

The much anticipated firetruck spraying...

Our new toy... After wanting one for years, Tad finally found the perfect ranger.

Again, my favorite is the black and white at the top of the blog, but here is the color one too.

Nana had a fun pinata for BBQ that night.

And Tad finally went out and shot his new gun...

1 comment:

Dennis Martin said...

You would never have that much fun in Mesa. Parade, melons to eat, and fire trucks to apray water on you....not to mention the picnic, swimming, and a short drive of a couple of minutes to shoot guns. Small towns are fun.