Saturday, July 18, 2009

This week

Well, the good news of the week is that we got preapproved to start looking for another house. They're going to accept some of my income. The bad news is that there is just not much that we like on the market right now. We've got a bid in on a bank owned property, but those are hit or miss, so we're going out looking again on Friday. The market is doing better here than in most areas and it seems like home prices are starting to level off some. A lot of the homes that we've seen on the market the past few months are disappearing, so hopefully we can find something soon. Our luck as soon as we do the market will tank again and we'll be stuck with 2 homes below value! Oh well, you're darned if you do, darned if you don't. If we wait a year, we'll probably be outpriced. Albuquerque is suprisingly unaffordable when it comes to housing. It's definitely a case of the haves and have nots here.

Other news is that I am missing Derek!! He is on vacation with Grandma Toni and Papa Pat and 2 of his boy cousins up in Colorado. He is not missing us I'm sure. It sounds like they're having a ton of fun. Today they went up a ski lift and down the tobaggan slides. Hopefully she's taking some pictures! The house is pretty quiet (okay.... quieter but not quiet) without him, but Kevin and Paige really miss him too.

Here's a few funny things he's said over the past month.... Tad asked him to do something once and out of nowhere he shouted back at him, "You're a piece of meat!"

While we were out camping a few weeks ago, I raced him (he's getting faster) and when we got back to camp he said, "My brain is out of control." I said, what? And he said, "I feel my brain beating in my head." He was out of breath and was feeling his heartbeat in his head veins.

They love playing with dinosaurs, and they were in their room playing and I started walking in the hall and I heard him shout, "Here comes the momosaurus!!"

The other big thing over the past few weeks is that Kevin and Paige no longer wear diapers at bedtime now! That is a HUGE achievement and we are so happy! I think they still leak a little sometimes because sometimes they wake up stinkin like pee, but they are doing GREAT! I didn't think they would do this this early, because we've been trying every few weeks and they always woke up wet, but we decided to keep going for a few days to see what would happen and they've really done good.

Paige was playing the other day and she came up to me and said "I'm beeping myself." I said, what? And she said, "yeah my heart, it's beeping."

And the last big thing of the week is that Darci took a "knee" step today! Just once and probably by accident, but my baby girl is getting closer to crawling!! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet. She already moves around pretty fast by rolling and army scooting. The other day I had her on the floor walked away to do something, turned around and stepped right on her because she had rolled right over to me. She didn't like that too much. Our apartment is definitely not as baby proof as it could be, so I guess we'll have to work on that.

We've been here nearly 6 months now. So far, we're loving it. Today was 88 degrees, tomorrow will be 89. You can't beat that Arizona! I love going to work in the morning and seeing a bunch of hot air balloons in the air. I love all the parks, especially in the late afternoon shade with the cool winds. I love that the kids are having fun and making friends. I love the zoo and botanical gardens. And I'll love it so much more once we get a house and can feel more settled in. All we need is our family to move here too and then it'll be perfect!


Becca said...

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you in the housing department! I hope you find something soon! I hope Derek is having fun, how lucky! I am jelous! hehe! AZ can't beat your weather, but talk to me when winter comes...kidding! I am glad you like it there!

*Shaffen and Misty* said...

House hunting is stressful! Good job potty training!!! YEAH!!!