Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kiddo Updates

So there are a few updates on the kids. I took Kevin and Paige in for their 3 yr appointments early just to establish care here. Paige is 26lbs (10th percentile) and Kevin is 29lbs (25th-50th percentile). We're working on potty training (again) with Kevin. I decided last Monday that he would no longer wear diapers during the day and I tell you what, he has done GREAT! He's only had one #1 accident (I know since I'm posting this he'll probably have more). #2 is another story. He decided he does not want to go poop on the toilet. So I'm trying to think of a good way to bribe him. Any suggestions?

Darci is doing great, I had to take a picture of her sleeping today. Sorry its blurry, but I took it quick not wanting to wake her up. If I put my arm on her chest, she wraps her hands around it, so I thought I would give her a little stuffed animal to hold while she sleeps. I'm trying to get her to sleep in her crib and not the swing, so I thought it would help her. She's so cute!


Becca said...

SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! I have no helpful ideas on the potty training! I HATE IT WITH A PASSION! Each one of my kids had a #2 problem at some point! All I can say is good luck, and I will keep my fingers crossed that it just clicks with him!

Jacqui said...

That is so cute that she holds the stuffed animal. I'm with Becca I hate potty training, but I need to start Kaitlyn soon.