Monday, January 16, 2012

December Pictures.... Part 3

We took a trip on the "Minivan express" before Christmas... I saw this great idea floating around on Pinterest and thought we would start it as a tradition this year. We already have the tradition of watching the Polar Express in our pajamas. (Side note, I really don't like the Polar Express, I think it is DUMB, but the kids love it). So I got them ready for bed and then they discovered tickets to the Minivan Express under their pillows. When they discovered it they came out to find cups of hot cocoa waiting for them and me, their conductor. We listened to Christmas music on the radio and drove around looking at lights around town.

Our niece Ashley designed a bean bag toss for all the little ones.

On Christmas Eve, we all loaded up in Grandpa's train and went Christmas caroling to various neighbors. Even though Grandpa didn't want to do it, Nana was finally able to talk him into driving the train and believe it or not he even sang a song or two!

Yummy Christmas desserts... I think these mini-cupcakes turned out pretty cute.

Had to take a picture of this cute Santa cake my sister in law, Joleen brought to the party.

And Nana had her Christmas Eve nativity skit with the grandkids who were around this year.


Shirlene said...

Looks like you all had a great Christmas holiday! Fun to see all the pictures.

Susan said...

SO fun! I think caroling in the train should be an annual tradition! Oh, and I don't get the whole big deal with the Polar Express movie either. So many people love it - but I get bored!