Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chunky Little Girl

I took Darci in for her 2 month well check (she's 2 1/2 months) and she is a chunk! She weighs 11lbs 9 oz! She's 22 1/2 inches tall. She did so great there until her 3 shots! ouch! She's such a sweet pea! She's doing great, sleeping until 7 to 8am in the morning. She wakes up at least once at night and I just give her a binky and put her in the swing and she goes back to sleep. She's drinking 5oz in each bottle and the doctor says she'll probably have to start on rice cereal before the other kids did because she's gaining weight so good! My chunky little girl....


Becca said...

She is so beautiful! She is getting so big!

The Martin Family said...

Chunky Babies are the best!! Whenever Max and Maya see a baby they always say "baby Darci"